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Begin it now

This morning I’ve been looking at work by Picasso and Klee and my heart and spirit is dancing up and down with pleasure. The colours, the forms and, somehow, the love that must have gone into their work. My agent says she can’t think of a way to ‘package’ (new publisher speak) my idea for a book called What is Art? - the one that’s been growing and growing in my Tweets. (I’m up to 165 now and have another 50 or so in waiting and they keep coming.) But that’s fine – if it’s not a book it’s a lot of enjoyment for me and some of those who read them and thought-provoking too . . .

Here’s one for today by Paul Klee: “A drawing is just a line that goes for a walk.”

Yes, yes, yes. And isn’t – like so many of these thoughts on art – something that can be said of life too?

Take your life – in some way – whatever appeals - for a walk. Whatever we begin and carry through for even just a little while will take us on a journey of some kind whether in mind, physically or spiritually. Always energising, often fascinating, sometimes leading on . . .

That makes me think of the famous and amazing Goethe quote:

“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now.”


So for now I’m about to draw and, later, paint. Watch this space – or rather my home page to see if and how it works out . . .

With love and light, Jenny

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